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The New Patient Maven teaches practice growth techniques to chiropractors. Dr. Brad Glowaki, D.C. is 'The Maven' and is currently in a high-volume practice. He is not a coach, or a part of a management group, but has frequently been a guest speaker on many occasions for those groups. He has also been a keynote speaker at many state associations and simply shares methodologies and techniques to communicate the message of chiropractic's benefits to the masses. 

Some of his teachings are available in an on-line format and others in live seminar formats. Perhaps his most impactful gift to the profession to date, however, is the Corporate Skeleton Key. A product in which he shows other doctors how to set up more venues, marketing events and places to speak and share the chiropractic story. In addition to that, he has enlisted the help of active professionals in particular fields that will get you in, on behalf of their phone calls, endorsements and emails. 


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